1 /* 2 3 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003 4 5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization 6 obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by 7 this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, 8 execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the 9 Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to 10 do so, all subject to the following: 11 12 The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including 13 the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, 14 must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and 15 all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative 16 works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by 17 a source language processor. 18 19 THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 20 IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 21 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT 22 SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE 23 FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, 24 ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER 25 DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 26 27 */ 28 module derelict.vorbis.file; 29 30 private { 31 import core.stdc.config; 32 import std.stdio; 33 import derelict.util.loader; 34 import derelict.util.system; 35 import derelict.ogg.ogg; 36 import derelict.vorbis.codec; 37 38 static if(Derelict_OS_Windows) 39 enum libNames = "vorbisfile.dll, libvorbisfile-3.dll, libvorbisfile.dll"; 40 else static if(Derelict_OS_Mac) 41 enum libNames = "libvorbisfile.dylib, libvorbisfile.0.dylib"; 42 else static if(Derelict_OS_Posix) 43 enum libNames = "libvorbisfile.so, libvorbisfile.so.3, libvorbisfile.so.3.1.0"; 44 else 45 static assert(0, "Need to implement libvorbisfile libnames for this operating system."); 46 } 47 48 struct ov_callbacks { 49 extern(C) nothrow { 50 size_t function(void*, size_t, size_t, void*) read_func; 51 int function(void*, ogg_int64_t, int) seek_func; 52 int function(void*) close_func; 53 c_long function(void*) tell_func; 54 } 55 } 56 57 enum { 58 NOTOPEN =0, 59 PARTOPEN =1, 60 OPENED =2, 61 STREAMSET =3, 62 INITSET =4, 63 } 64 65 struct OggVorbis_File { 66 void* datasource; 67 int seekable; 68 ogg_int64_t offset; 69 ogg_int64_t end; 70 ogg_sync_state oy; 71 int links; 72 ogg_int64_t* offsets; 73 ogg_int64_t* dataoffsets; 74 c_long* serialnos; 75 ogg_int64_t* pcmlengths; 76 vorbis_info* vi; 77 vorbis_comment* vc; 78 ogg_int64_t pcm_offset; 79 int ready_state; 80 c_long current_serialno; 81 int current_link; 82 double bittrack; 83 double samptrack; 84 ogg_stream_state os; 85 vorbis_dsp_state vd; 86 vorbis_block vb; 87 ov_callbacks callbacks; 88 } 89 90 extern(C) @nogc nothrow { 91 alias da_ov_clear = int function(OggVorbis_File*); 92 alias da_ov_fopen = int function(const(char)*, OggVorbis_File*); 93 alias da_ov_open_callbacks = int function(void* datasource, OggVorbis_File*, const(char)*, c_long, ov_callbacks); 94 alias da_ov_test_callbacks = int function(void*, OggVorbis_File*, const(char)*, c_long, ov_callbacks); 95 alias da_ov_test_open = int function(OggVorbis_File*); 96 alias da_ov_bitrate = c_long function(OggVorbis_File*, int); 97 alias da_ov_bitrate_instant = c_long function(OggVorbis_File*); 98 alias da_ov_streams = c_long function(OggVorbis_File*); 99 alias da_ov_seekable = c_long function(OggVorbis_File*); 100 alias da_ov_serialnumber = c_long function(OggVorbis_File*, int); 101 alias da_ov_raw_total = ogg_int64_t function(OggVorbis_File*, int); 102 alias da_ov_pcm_total = ogg_int64_t function(OggVorbis_File*, int); 103 alias da_ov_time_total = double function(OggVorbis_File*, int); 104 alias da_ov_raw_seek = int function(OggVorbis_File*, ogg_int64_t); 105 alias da_ov_pcm_seek = int function(OggVorbis_File*, ogg_int64_t); 106 alias da_ov_pcm_seek_page = int function(OggVorbis_File*, ogg_int64_t); 107 alias da_ov_time_seek = int function(OggVorbis_File*, double); 108 alias da_ov_time_seek_page = int function(OggVorbis_File*, double); 109 alias da_ov_raw_seek_lap = int function(OggVorbis_File*, ogg_int64_t); 110 alias da_ov_pcm_seek_lap = int function(OggVorbis_File*, ogg_int64_t); 111 alias da_ov_pcm_seek_page_lap = int function(OggVorbis_File*, ogg_int64_t); 112 alias da_ov_time_seek_lap = int function(OggVorbis_File*, double); 113 alias da_ov_time_seek_page_lap = int function(OggVorbis_File*, double); 114 alias da_ov_raw_tell = ogg_int64_t function(OggVorbis_File*); 115 alias da_ov_pcm_tell = ogg_int64_t function(OggVorbis_File*); 116 alias da_ov_time_tell = double function(OggVorbis_File*); 117 alias da_ov_info = vorbis_info* function(OggVorbis_File*, int); 118 alias da_ov_comment = vorbis_comment* function(OggVorbis_File*, int); 119 alias da_ov_read_float = c_long function(OggVorbis_File*, float***, int, int*); 120 alias da_ov_read = c_long function(OggVorbis_File*, byte*, int, int, int, int, int*); 121 alias da_ov_crosslap = int function(OggVorbis_File*, OggVorbis_File*); 122 alias da_ov_halfrate = int function(OggVorbis_File*, int); 123 alias da_ov_halfrate_p = int function(OggVorbis_File*); 124 } 125 126 private extern (C) nothrow { 127 size_t Derelict_VorbisRead(void* ptr, size_t byteSize, size_t sizeToRead, void* datasource) { 128 return fread(ptr, byteSize, sizeToRead, cast(FILE*)datasource); 129 } 130 131 int Derelict_VorbisSeek(void* datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence) { 132 return fseek(cast(FILE*)datasource, cast(int)offset, whence); 133 } 134 135 int Derelict_VorbisClose(void* datasource) { 136 return fclose(cast(FILE*)datasource); 137 } 138 139 c_long Derelict_VorbisTell(void* datasource) { 140 return cast(c_long)ftell(cast(FILE*)datasource); 141 } 142 } 143 144 __gshared { 145 da_ov_clear ov_clear; 146 da_ov_fopen ov_fopen; 147 da_ov_open_callbacks ov_open_callbacks; 148 da_ov_test_callbacks ov_test_callbacks; 149 da_ov_test_open ov_test_open; 150 da_ov_bitrate ov_bitrate; 151 da_ov_bitrate_instant ov_bitrate_instant; 152 da_ov_streams ov_streams; 153 da_ov_seekable ov_seekable; 154 da_ov_serialnumber ov_serialnumber; 155 da_ov_raw_total ov_raw_total; 156 da_ov_pcm_total ov_pcm_total; 157 da_ov_time_total ov_time_total; 158 da_ov_raw_seek ov_raw_seek; 159 da_ov_pcm_seek ov_pcm_seek; 160 da_ov_pcm_seek_page ov_pcm_seek_page; 161 da_ov_time_seek ov_time_seek; 162 da_ov_time_seek_page ov_time_seek_page; 163 da_ov_raw_seek_lap ov_raw_seek_lap; 164 da_ov_pcm_seek_lap ov_pcm_seek_lap; 165 da_ov_pcm_seek_page_lap ov_pcm_seek_page_lap; 166 da_ov_time_seek_lap ov_time_seek_lap; 167 da_ov_time_seek_page_lap ov_time_seek_page_lap; 168 da_ov_raw_tell ov_raw_tell; 169 da_ov_pcm_tell ov_pcm_tell; 170 da_ov_time_tell ov_time_tell; 171 da_ov_info ov_info; 172 da_ov_comment ov_comment; 173 da_ov_read_float ov_read_float; 174 da_ov_read ov_read; 175 da_ov_crosslap ov_crosslap; 176 da_ov_halfrate ov_halfrate; 177 da_ov_halfrate_p ov_halfrate_p; 178 } 179 180 class DerelictVorbisFileLoader : SharedLibLoader { 181 public this() { 182 super(libNames); 183 } 184 185 protected override void loadSymbols() { 186 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_clear, "ov_clear"); 187 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_fopen, "ov_fopen"); 188 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_open_callbacks, "ov_open_callbacks"); 189 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_test_callbacks, "ov_test_callbacks"); 190 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_test_open, "ov_test_open"); 191 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_bitrate, "ov_bitrate"); 192 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_bitrate_instant, "ov_bitrate_instant"); 193 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_streams, "ov_streams"); 194 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_seekable, "ov_seekable"); 195 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_serialnumber, "ov_serialnumber"); 196 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_raw_total, "ov_raw_total"); 197 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_pcm_total, "ov_pcm_total"); 198 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_time_total, "ov_time_total"); 199 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_raw_seek, "ov_raw_seek"); 200 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_pcm_seek, "ov_pcm_seek"); 201 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_pcm_seek_page, "ov_pcm_seek_page"); 202 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_time_seek, "ov_time_seek"); 203 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_time_seek_page, "ov_time_seek_page"); 204 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_raw_seek_lap, "ov_raw_seek_lap"); 205 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_pcm_seek_lap, "ov_pcm_seek_lap"); 206 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_pcm_seek_page_lap, "ov_pcm_seek_page_lap"); 207 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_time_seek_lap, "ov_time_seek_lap"); 208 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_time_seek_page_lap, "ov_time_seek_page_lap"); 209 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_raw_tell, "ov_raw_tell"); 210 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_pcm_tell, "ov_pcm_tell"); 211 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_time_tell, "ov_time_tell"); 212 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_info, "ov_info"); 213 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_comment, "ov_comment"); 214 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_read_float, "ov_read_float"); 215 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_read, "ov_read"); 216 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_crosslap, "ov_crosslap"); 217 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_halfrate, "ov_halfrate"); 218 bindFunc(cast(void**)&ov_halfrate_p, "ov_halfrate_p"); 219 } 220 } 221 222 __gshared DerelictVorbisFileLoader DerelictVorbisFile; 223 224 shared static this() { 225 DerelictVorbisFile = new DerelictVorbisFileLoader(); 226 }